Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tracking with answer boards

Same old story - a few weeks away from the course and I'm in mad catch up mode yet once again - what do I remember? Hopefully it will all come flooding back. Will I ever reach the end of the track before the body and shoes wear out? Keep reading and find out the "answer".
Back to the "boards" - this could be a great way of promoting libraries in general by "slamming the boards". It’s another way of going outside our four walls to connect with users and provide the information needed.
Very interesting to read some of the "answers" and at times the responses are questionable and that's where librarians can jump in. It’s also a useful mechanism in finding out just how users rate the information supplied - did it hit the spot? fully? partially? would we have done better? To add our voices to the boards and find out where the information needs are can act as a powerful reminder to use libraries as a “trusted resource".

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