Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tracking Tagging, folksonomies, & LibraryThing

The word brought back memories of the monsterio delicio growing outside my mum's back door and the race with the possums to get the ripe fruit. Somehow the little midnight raiders always won.

What a convenient way to store and to have my favs on any computer that is connected to the Internet anywhere. I can see this really useful for those who use the Internet frequently. I loved looking at the CIA site and noting their info re Australia - very up to date except for the now defunct Dems. What a bonus for librarians at the reference desk to pool knowledge and link for others to share via their account - great way to save time and find not thought of new sources of information.

Technorati - The millions of blogs that are tracked by Technorati is mind blowing. The search I did with bookmobile was successful in getting hundreds of searches. I didn't have much success with nswpln2008.

LibraryThing is more my speed. This is a fantastic tool to share your best books and see how many others share your taste in reading. Interesting to read comments of what others think, sort of an online book club. I had to control myself and only select a few of the thousands I wanted to add. Beaut way to also quickly find the books you have missed reading.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tracking with an Old Style Wiki

Couldn't resist adding - oh why oh why didn't I find this picture when I was doing Week 4? And why can't I add it to that week's entry - tried but with no success. Obviously it doesn't pay to have after thoughts.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Tracking the video

Hope you enjoy "the reading". I found myself helping them along with the words. Have a look at Librarians at Work (could have almost been our foyer) - don't think the trolleys have had such a workout in a long time - great fun! Not everything about libraries is serious. I also checked out virtual tours of libraries and what an interesting way to visit libraries large and small, and dare I say, compare. On the downside, some videos take so long to view because they keep stopping while others have really poor sound production. Once addressed this medium could have such an impact as a training tool for clients who visit our library.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tracking Along with RSS

Love the potential of having the all the news I need in the one place, especially the ABC. Apart from the main news I can easily see what is happening in regional areas throughout Australia. What a powerful tool for the library to access websites for the latest articles in journals and innovative services in other libraries here and overseas. Keeping an eye on customer blogs can only help improve our services and be aware their needs and grumbles. Better than any old suggestion box! For my Learning RSS I’ve chosen ABC News, SMH (as well as the latest headlines, a good and varied read is assured with the blogs), "blooming marvellous" Gardening Australia, Photographers, Local History and Powerhouse photo of the day. I really like viewing their black & white photos as the light and shade is far more detailed and interesting than colour shots - all this talent waaay before digital photography.